Coxarthrosis of the hip joint treatment, causes, symptoms

hip joint injection for joints

Coxarthrosis is a change in the hip joint, common among diseases, the basis of which is degenerative-dystrophic processes. The hip joint is formed by the articulation of the head of the femur with the bones of the pelvis.

This disease has a primary and a secondary form. The etiology of primary is not entirely clear, but secondary can be caused by a number of factors. These are trauma, inflammation, Peters pathology, femoral head necrosis, hip dislocation and dysplastic processes.

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint causes a change in the composition and properties of the intra-articular fluid. There is an increase in the degree of its viscosity, which causes damage to the articular surfaces. The cartilage becomes thinner, the distance between the bones forming the joint decreases. The pressure on their surfaces increases, causing the process of deformation.

Periodically, such a chronic condition goes into an exacerbation phase. During this period, there is a strong pain syndrome. Outside of a flare-up, therapeutic exercises are a good preventative measure.


There are several reasons why coxarthrosis of the hip joint develops. These include:

  • violation of the process of blood supply to the joint - a decrease in the degree of venous blood outflow and arterial blood inflow. Due to the violation of trophism, metabolic products accumulate, contributing to the destruction of cartilage tissue.
  • such a mechanical effect that causes an increased load on the joint.
  • violations of biochemical homeostasis, hormonal imbalance.
  • wounding?
  • infectious inflammation;
  • condition of necrosis of the femoral head.
  • dysplastic disorders of cartilage and bone tissue.
  • sedentary life?
  • genetic predisposition?
  • congenital dislocation of the hip.


When coming into contact with a patient, the doctor conducts research and examination to determine the severity of the pathology.

This disease has the following symptoms: pain in the joint itself, as well as pain in the thigh, groin and knee. Impaired ability to move the affected limb. "Shortening" of the leg, as well as atrophic processes of the thigh muscles.

doctors examining x-ray for hip arthropathy

The nature of the pain and its strength and location depend on the stage. As the disease progresses, the pain intensifies. Due to emerging muscle atrophy, knee pain occurs. For this reason, sometimes there is a mistake in the diagnosis - they suggest arthropathy of the knee joint. It is necessary to contact experienced specialists who will be able to make a differential diagnosis and book the necessary appointments. Only a doctor can determine the disease and find out what kind of treatment the patient needs.


The following degrees of the disease are distinguished.

  • First degree. This degree is characterized by a pain syndrome, caused by stress. Localization of pain - the hip joint, less often - the thigh and knee. On X-ray, small growths of bone tissue are visible.
  • Second degree. At this stage of the disease, the pain intensifies, its intensity increases. The spotting extends to the thigh and groin area. The pain also occurs at rest. Movements are limited and radiographs reveal bulky bone growths. Sometimes cysts form in places of increased stress.
  • Third degree. This degree is characterized by constant pain. Walking is difficult. Severe atrophy of the muscles of the thigh, buttocks and lower leg. The tip is noticeably shorter. X-rays show extensive bony growths.


The main diagnostic method is X-ray. With its help, the doctor can determine the etiology and stage of development of the disease, determine the need for surgery. For example, with dysplasia, the doctor will notice the beveling and thickening of the acetabulum. An x-ray of the coxal joint resulting from an injury allows you to see the shape of the articulating bones after they have been repaired. The coxarthrosis, which developed as a result of necrosis of the femoral head, also has a characteristic x-ray.


The question of how to treat coxarthrosis of the hip joint can only be answered by a doctor. The nature of the treatment varies depending on the extent to which the disease is located, as well as the intensity of the pain. It is dangerous to self-medicate at home. With third-degree coxarthrosis, it is possible to treat the disease only with the help of arthroplasty, in which the doctor replaces the joint by placing an artificial prosthesis. Often, surgery is necessary for coxarthrosis, which has occurred due to necrosis of the femoral head.

In the treatment of pathology of the first and second degree, surgery is not required. Medical and physical therapy treatment is used, which is prescribed by the attending physician, as well as therapeutic exercises, which can be used at home.

doctor's appointment for hip arthritis

Medical treatment

Drug therapy includes drugs such as tablets, injections, and ointments.

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are able to relieve pain, stop inflammation and swelling, and the disadvantage is the reduction of the regenerative capacity of the cartilage. If they are not effective, the drugs are replaced. The dosage form of some drugs - the injections - is more effective.
  • Vasodilator drugs. The action is aimed at relaxing the muscle tissue and expanding the lumen of the blood vessels. Improves blood supply.
  • Muscle relaxants (medications for muscle relaxation). They relieve muscle spasms and improve blood circulation.
  • Chondroprotective drugs. Contribution to the restoration of cartilaginous tissue. Regular use allows you to completely stop the development of the disease.
  • drugs for hip arthritis
  • hormone therapy. High-quality injections containing these substances help relieve inflammation. It is necessary to take a break of one week between injections.
  • Topical preparations - ointments, compresses. These drugs improve blood circulation, help to get rid of pain caused by muscle spasm.

With the help of the complex of mentioned drugs, the disease can be cured.


It includes a number of procedures namely electrotherapy, induction thermal, magnetotherapy and ultrasound therapy. UHF-therapy, laser therapy, phototherapy and air ionotherapy.

All of these techniques are applicable to improve blood supply to the joint and help relieve muscle spasm. The operations are performed by a doctor specializing in physiotherapy.


Massage is an effective way to treat this pathology: it improves blood circulation, strengthens muscles, relieves spastic pain, swelling. With its help, the distance between the articular surfaces increases. Massage can be done at home, but only after the recommendation of a specialist.

arthritic hip pain

Common attraction

Produced manually or using traction devices. It leads to a reduction in the load on the joint and an increase in the distance between the articular surfaces. This procedure is performed only by a doctor with a high level of qualifications. It cannot be done at home.


It is required if necessary to reduce body weight. This helps reduce stress on the joint.


Therapeutic exercises have a good effect on coxarthrosis. The doctor chooses special exercises to strengthen the muscles, such that they do not increase the load on the joint area. Correct therapeutic exercises can relieve the condition, strengthen the muscles. It can be done at home. In addition, swimming is very useful.

Alternative therapy is also used in the treatment of coxarthrosis, but all its methods must be agreed with the attending physician.

It should be noted that the treatment of coxarthrosis should be complex. Physiotherapy and massage should not be neglected. You should also do the exercises recommended by the therapeutic exercises. You can not self-medicate, so as not to harm your health. Any medications should only be prescribed by a doctor. Proper treatment will help eliminate the need for surgery.